2003.10 – 2008.2: PhD in Tourism, Nottingham Trent University
2002.9 – 2003.9: MSc in Tourism Management, University of Surrey
1998.9 – 2002.7: BA in English, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
2011.1-present Professor in Tourism Management, Surrey International Institute, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
2008.8-2011.1 Lecturer (teaching) in Tourism Management, Surrey International Institute/University of Surrey
2007.1-2008.7 Lecturer in International Business, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University.
Consumer behaviors, corporate social responsibilities, innovation in tourism and hospitality
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Karatepe, O.M., Shi, F. & Okumus, F. (2022) Guest editorial: Creativity in the competitive service environment, Service Industries Journal, 42:5-6, 277-279, https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2022.2052593 SSCI, JCR一区,IF(2022):9.321: 8.63,
Shi, F., Ji, S., Weaver, D. and Huang, M.-F. (2022), From curious to connoisseur: a longitudinal segmentation of attendees at a Chinese wine festival, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(3),885-907. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-03-2021-0331 SSCI, JCR一区,IF(2022):11.1
González-Rodríguez, M.R., Díaz-Fernández, C.M., Shi, F*. & Okumus, F. (2021). Exploring the links among corporate social responsibility, reputation, and performance from a multi-dimensional perspective, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 99, 103079, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.103079. SSCI, JCR一区,IF(2022):11.7
Shi, F., Shi, D., Weaver, D. and Samaniego Chavez, C.E. (2021). Adapt to not just survive but thrive: resilience strategies of five-star hotels at difficult times, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(9), 2886-2906 https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-10-2020-1194 SSCI, JCR一区,IF(2022):11.1
Shi, D., Yi, B., Shi F*, Satta, S. (2021). Motivation Configuration of Bluxury Tourism Behavior: An FsQCA Application. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 63(1), 33-47. https:// doi.org/10.1177/19389655211014472 SSCI, JCR三区,IF(2022):3.5
González-Rodríguez, M. R., Díaz-Fernández, M. C., Bilgihan, A., Shi, F.*, & Okumus, F. (2021). UGC involvement, motivation and personality: Comparison between China and Spain. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19, 100543. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2020.100543 SSCI,JCR一区,IF(2022): 8.4
Yi, B., Shi, D., Shi, F*. and Zhang, L. (2021). Do the flipped impacts of hotels matter to the popularity of Airbnb?, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(6), 2239-2263. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-06-2020-0582 SSCI, JCR一区,IF(2022):11.1
Okumus, B., Dedeoğlu, B. B., & Shi, F.* (2021). Gender and generation as antecedents of food neophobia and food neophilia. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37, 100773. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2020.100773 SSCI, JCR一区,IF(2022):8.7
Okumus, B., Shi, F*. and Dedeoglu, S.B. (2021). What is the role of demographics in tourists’ attitudes towards foods? Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, https://doi.org/10.3727/216929721X16105303036562.
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International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 编委